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Travel Plan

Travel Plan


At Thomas A Becket Junior School, we promote safe, active and sustainable travel to school by trying to reduce the number of children being driven to and from school.


We ensure our Travel Plan is regularly updated to reflect the continued work we are doing, and we hold regular meetings with key members of the community connected with the school Travel Plan. They include local police officers, residents, parents, councillors, WSCC representatives and a number of others agencies. 


A Travel Plan benefits not only the school, but also the local area, as it reduces traffic and air pollution. Successful petitioning, alongside parental and community support, resulted in flashing lights being installed on Wiston Avenue and our school has been invited to be part of the School Street Scheme pilot.


Other reasons we have a school Travel Plan & activities linked to it.


For the children:

  • Improving fitness and health by walking, cycling or scooting
  • Children are able to complete Bikeability and scooter training
  • Improving children's road awareness
  • Road Safety Week and Walk to School Week activities and assemblies


For the school:

  • Reducing congestion at busy times
  • Improving safety around the school
  • Travel Plan Policy which links with our Eco work
  • Creating links with the local community


For the parents:

  • Reducing time spent waiting in traffic during busy times
  • Building relationships with the school and local community


For the local community:

  • Improving road safety
  • Reducing air pollution in the local environment
  • Improving parking issues on local roads

West Sussex Modestars Award

We are pleased to announce that all of our hard work with our safe travel to school initiatives such as the School Streets Scheme, Road Safety week, scooter training and Bikeability have been recognised by West Sussex Modestars and we have been given a good award! 

Bike It Breakfast

Our year 5 pupils were invited to ride their bikes or scooters to school and attend a Bike It Breakfast session run by Sustrans.  This session was a follow on from the bike skills and Dr Bike sessions that the children attended in year 4.



School Street Scheme Assembly


On Tuesday 18th April, we welcomed Stuart from Sustrans to launch the start of our School Street scheme. Stuart discussed the scheme with Y4 along with the importance of sustainable travel, air pollution and our wellbeing during our journey to school. Stuart will be returning to TAB during the summer term to hold Dr Bike repair sessions and bike skills sessions on the playground. 

Sussex Safer Road Workshop

Sussex Safer Roads and the local Police visited 4TR. They were here to teach the children about how to keep themselves and their families safe whilst on the move, be it on two feet, two wheels or on four wheels. The children really enjoyed their visit and had a lot of fun learning about how to keep themselves safe. The main message of the workshop is to remember before crossing the road to Stop, Look, Listen, Think! 


Dr Bike

On Tuesday 20th June, we had a visit from Sustrans, part of the school street scheme, who did checks on

bikes of children in year 4 & year 5 to help ensure they are road safe and encourage the children to cycle to school.

Bike Skills

As part of our School Streets Scheme, Sustrans came back to teach bike skills to some children in years 4 & 5. The children all listened very well and have learnt some valuable skills on their bikes to keep them safe when out riding.

School Streets Scheme


Letters were delivered to local residents and posters displayed on lampposts on Wednesday 14th June 2023.

Please see the policies page for the School Travel Policy.
