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Pupil Leadership at TAB

At TAB we believe that a key part of our role as a school is to help children develop their independence, teamwork and inter-personal skills. We aim to support each child in taking responsibility for their own behaviours and actions, and understand how these impact on others around them.


Children at TAB have regular opportunities day-to-day to work with others, supporting, co-operating and coaching. As part of this we have developed wide-ranging opportunities for children to ‘step-up’ into genuine leadership roles, where they are able to practise and apply the many skills they have developed (and are continuing to develop), and act as positive role models.


These include:


  • Community Leaders
  • Art Leaders
  • Art Buddy
  • Sports Leaders
  • Play Leaders
  • Referees
  • Music Leaders
  • Digital Leaders
  • School Councillors Class Representatives
  • Eco-Committee Members including Energy Rangers
  • Forest School Assistants
  • Reading Mentors